Hako GmbH
Head office
Hamburger Straße 209-239
D-23843 Bad Oldesloe
Telephone: 0049-4531-806-0
Telefax: 0049-4531-806-338
Trade register
The company is limited by shares (GmbH)
based in Bad Oldesloe, Germany.
Reg.-court: Lübeck HR B 1314 OD
Value added tax identification number
DE 812558589
Tax number
Managing Directors
Mario Schreiber (Chairman of the board)
Uwe Brenne
Frank Ulbricht
Chairman of the board of directors
Dr. Joachim Brenk
Notice of liability
In spite of thorough control in regards to the content, we will not take over any responsibility for the contents of other links. For the contents of the linked sites their operators are exclusively responsible.
The use of text or photos out of the internet presence of Hako GmbH or joined companies and subsidiaries respectively, as well as extracts, needs the explicit authorisation of Hako GmbH, Bad Oldesloe.